Fragile, melodia celor de la Poets of the Fall, e in ultimul timp, bijuteria mea muzicala... Pe langa faptul ca versurile te dezbraca si te lasa gol in mijlocul unei strazi aglomerate, imi trag sufletul pe linia melodica, iar vocea solistului mi se pare atat de calda si familiala incat sunt tentata sa adaug la postul Ameliei, Sleep Sweetie, ca Fragile ar putea, linistit, intra in cursa pentru titlul "The ultimate friendship song"... cu toate ca, la fel de bine, vocea aceasta calda si familiala ar putea fi a unui tata sau a unui frate, sau chiar a unui fost iubit, care poarta o discutie cu tine, incepand cu "...te cunosc, citesc prin tine, da jos masca, nu ma pacalesti..." Cum imi imaginez discutia asta? Pe o veranda la sfintit, o patura pe picioarele adunate sub mine si un pahar de vin in mana, rimel scurs pe obraji si o tigara in mana...
"You've been biting bullets all these years, i know. There beside yourself choking back tears
and you aced avoiding possibility when you made your bed upon the bittersweet.
Oh now don't you worry, there's no need to be sorry. There's still time to step lightly, cos the love you used to feel is still in there - it may be the faded photograph, but i know you care...
so don't hide. If you're scared i'm here to hold you, if you get lost i'm here to guide you. Love is peace when peace is fragile, love is all the good in you that still remains. Love is peace when peace is fragile.
You've been going out of way to agree, like you've been rubbing yourself all wrong just to be somebody elses genie, catering to your disasters every need, waiting to finally be set free. I said baby don't worry, life will carry, just take it slowly, cos the love you used to feel is still in there - it may be the faded photograph, but i know you care... so don't hide. If you're scared i'm here to hold you, if you get lost i'm here to guide you. Love is peace when peace is fragile, love is all the good in you that still remains, love is peace when peace is fragile..."
"You've been biting bullets all these years, i know. There beside yourself choking back tears
and you aced avoiding possibility when you made your bed upon the bittersweet.
Oh now don't you worry, there's no need to be sorry. There's still time to step lightly, cos the love you used to feel is still in there - it may be the faded photograph, but i know you care...
so don't hide. If you're scared i'm here to hold you, if you get lost i'm here to guide you. Love is peace when peace is fragile, love is all the good in you that still remains. Love is peace when peace is fragile.
You've been going out of way to agree, like you've been rubbing yourself all wrong just to be somebody elses genie, catering to your disasters every need, waiting to finally be set free. I said baby don't worry, life will carry, just take it slowly, cos the love you used to feel is still in there - it may be the faded photograph, but i know you care... so don't hide. If you're scared i'm here to hold you, if you get lost i'm here to guide you. Love is peace when peace is fragile, love is all the good in you that still remains, love is peace when peace is fragile..."
1 comment:
Da, as putea sa fiu de acord cu tine. Ar putea foarte bine sa fie the ultimate friendship song. Cine altcineva can give you peace when eace is fragile? Si totusi, uitandu-ma la o poza trista pe care o tin pe noptiera mea, o simt mai aproape de tata decat de oricine altcineva :(
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